These colors scream summer time sun and fun to me.
Pink: Sally Hansen Flashy Fuchsia/SinfulColors Unicorn
Most of the nail polish in my collection is China Glaze but here are two of my favorite drug store brands. Insta-Dri collection not only goes on very opaque and thick in one coat it is also wonderful for stamping and much cheaper and easier to find that the special polishes.
This is the what my base polish looks like. The pink is very opaque but I used two coats because I'm wearing it naked :) The yellow took three coats but it's not as streaky as many other light creams and its a great mellow yellow color.
This picture isn't really necessary but I thought it was cute. I can't seem to keep Phnx out of my light box. When the camera comes out he is always front and center.
Red Angel image plate RA-109/ Flashy Fuchsia/Snappy Sorbet
These are the tools I used to stamp the design on my accent nail. Red Angel plates are not my absolute favorite but they have some good qualities that come in handy. They are etched really deep and are a little hard to clean but they work well for mixing polish on because they hold a little more than the other brands I use.
I painted thick bands of my pink and orange polish right on the design.
A dotting tool or toothpick work well to blend and mix the colors but work fast.
This is what it will look like once you use your scrapper to get off the excess. This is a really easy way to get a gradient if your in a hurry or feel to lazy for sponge work and clean up. <--- That's me tonight :D
Add some top coat and you have a very bright summery manicure!
Little word of advice... don't try to pick up your cat and move him with wet nails.
I really appreciate the way you teach people to do nail art. I'm gonna go find the stamp tomorrow.. i hope I will find one. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!