I cant even decide if I love this or hate it so lets just move on to how it came to be :)
Konad Special Polish Black and White /China Glaze Neon & On and China Glaze Sun of a Peach
Two thick coats of Neon & On at an angle, starting at the top corner of your nail, and down to the opposite bottom corner. This polish is a little streaky and matte, I put it on pretty thick, but it does dry quickly.
Now with your second color, paint a line across your nail, starting just above your smile line and down to the opposite bottom corner. I can never do V manicures perfectly so I purposefully offset them on one side :P
I do not know what set this came from (Sorry) but it is labeled QA3. I buy everything I use on Amazon, but it would have been some time ago. There are many great sets that have straight line designs. This is just the one I happened to use.
*Update... I found the plate... here is the link QA3.
Carefully, stamp white lines down the first color you used. It doesn't really make much difference if the bottom part is neat. Do your best on the top because that is what you will see when your done layering.
Use black to add lines on top of the second color and finish with top coat. Interesting summer spin on French tips :)